I'm an author and a gospel artist. This blog is a platform for me to convey life- changing messages to people no matter their location.
My pen is always  in my hand not because I don't have other activities  to engage myself in, but because of the importance of the message I have for you which writing is one of the best ways I can employ in order  to convey the message to you.

True happiness in life does not originate from wealth  or possessions because if that's the source of happiness it means that the wealthy  people will be the happiest people in this planet but they are definitely  not.

 To me, the best way to find happiness in life is by impacting positively in people's lives thereby making them to be the best they are meant to be.
My central goal  is to make people understand the meaning and value of life to the end that those living aimlessly will start living a purposeful life.

Again, it's my earnest desire to see human beings created after the likeness of God making good use of their lives, by involving themselves  only in meaningful things.

For you who do not know what to do with your life or for you that do not have  any direction in life. Living on purpose is the best thing you can do with your life because it does not only give your life a direction, it also gives your life a meaning.

I teach people the importance of living on purpose and also help them to find a life purpose worth living for.

You can contact me through this email address - okaforsopuru@gmail.com. 


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